Monday, 20 June 2011

Natural Appetite Suppressants: How to Lose Weight Without Feeling So Hungry! (Kindle Edition)

Natural Appetite Suppressants: How to Lose Weight Without Feeling So Hungry!
Natural Appetite Suppressants: How to Lose Weight Without Feeling So Hungry! (Kindle Edition)
By Ken McFarland

Review & Description

Right after you’ve had Thanksgiving Dinner—or any other great meal—do you feel hungry? Of course not!

Another question: How hard would it be to lose weight if—during those times of the day when you normally feel really hungry—instead, you felt only slight hunger or, better yet, none at all?

Let’s face it: The reason most diets don’t work—the reason most efforts to lose weight fail—is because at some point, you get so ravenously hungry that you cave in and vacuum out the fridge and cupboards!

Does it sometimes seem as if, whenever you try to lose weight, your body won’t even try to cooperate? In fact, often it’s as if your body turns against you and flat-out rebels against your efforts to lose.

But you and your body can succeed, IF you can find a way to suppress your appetite. Yes, you can find drugs that will help...but they almost always come with unpleasant side effects.

Instead, try one or more of the NATURAL appetite suppressants that researchers have learned do a great job of dampening your appetite. This brief book surveys the latest studies into these natural appetite suppressants...foods, supplements, and lifestyle choices...that are readily available to help you succeed in winning the war to lose.
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