Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Square Meal Diet (Kindle Edition)

Review & Description

Based on the surprising experimental results of the nutritional pioneer Dr. Weston Price, the significance of which still eludes modern science, The Square Meal Diet is an easy to follow, lifelong nutrition plan with no "forbidden" foods. The focus is on good health and the enjoyment of good-tasting foods.

Vegetarianism, raw foods, high carbs, low carbs, high fat, low fat - which is the right dietary approach to better health? The answer is none of them. The body adapts well to high and low fat, high and low carbohydrate, plentiful meat or none at all. The body cannot, however, correct for too many calories or too few nutrients.

Believing that inadequate nutrition plus supplements equals adequate nutrition, many people have used themselves as guinea pigs in a health experiment for the past fifty years. This failed experiment shows that whole foods contain vital nutrients that are not found in supplements.

The simplest way to lose weight is to reduce portion sizes gradually while gradually stepping up physical activity. This is also the least painful because one does not have to give up one's favorite foods. When the ideal weight is reached, to maintain it, one simply adopts the new diet and exercise parameters permanently. For the average dietary, with few whole foods, this is ill-advised -in spite of the weight loss- because it means even greater nutritional insufficiency, and thus a greater health risk from weakening one's body.

That simple protocol is almost workable. One change is needed - the introduction of the whole foods-based, nutrient sufficient "square" meal. Using this book's formula, one prepares and enjoys a single, delicious, large, and satisfying "square meal" a day to meet the nutritional requirements and strengthen the body. For the rest of the day, one eats "whatever" one wants.

Based on the surprising experimental results of the nutritional pioneer Dr. Weston Price, the significance of which still eludes modern science, The Square Meal Diet is an easy to follow, lifelong nutrition plan with no "forbidden" foods. The focus is on good health and the enjoyment of good-tasting foods.

Vegetarianism, raw foods, high carbs, low carbs, high fat, low fat - which is the right dietary approach to better health? The answer is none of them. The body adapts well to high and low fat, high and low carbohydrate, plentiful meat or none at all. The body cannot, however, correct for too many calories or too few nutrients.

Believing that inadequate nutrition plus supplements equals adequate nutrition, many people have used themselves as guinea pigs in a health experiment for the past fifty years. This failed experiment shows that whole foods contain vital nutrients that are not found in supplements.

The simplest way to lose weight is to reduce portion sizes gradually while gradually stepping up physical activity. This is also the least painful because one does not have to give up one's favorite foods. When the ideal weight is reached, to maintain it, one simply adopts the new diet and exercise parameters permanently. For the average dietary, with few whole foods, this is ill-advised -in spite of the weight loss- because it means even greater nutritional insufficiency, and thus a greater health risk from weakening one's body.

That simple protocol is almost workable. One change is needed - the introduction of the whole foods-based, nutrient sufficient "square" meal. Using this book's formula, one prepares and enjoys a single, delicious, large, and satisfying "square meal" a day to meet the nutritional requirements and strengthen the body. For the rest of the day, one eats "whatever" one wants. Read more

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